We are currently developing advanced learning in Human Factors for Healthcare Practitioners with a view to having them accredited by the CIEHF.
Please click here to register your interest. Include the name and number of the course in your enquiry. We will be in touch with course content and running details.
Hu-Tech have been running successful and engaging training courses for over 20 years.
Our detailed understanding of applying Ergonomics and Human Factors in a wide range of industries enables us to develop a range of courses, materials and practical applications for your staff and Leadership Teams. Most courses are tailored to your company or departmental requirements but based on a solid framework of up-to date research, models, and best practice. All courses come with certificates of attendance and graded pass marks where required. Past courses have included: 5 days - Ergonomics Essentials 3 days - Ergonomic Champions 3 days - Train the Trainer (Manual Handling or Display Screen Equipment) 2 days - Ergonomics Risk Assessment (Manual Handling or Display Screen Equipment) 1 day - DSE Advanced review 1 day - Manual Handling Advanced review 1 day - Upper Limb Disorders in Laboratories 1 day - Human Factors and Risk Behaviours 0.5 to 1 day - Human Factors Awareness for project teams 0.5 day - BowTies in Healthcare 0.5 day - Barrier Based Risk Management - introduction 0.5 day - Human Error Analysis 0.5 day - Human Factors Engineering in Construction Additional Teaching: 1 day - Improving Systems Processes and Culture (on MSc in Quality & Patient Safety Improvement) 0.5 day - Human Factors & Ergonomics in Healthcare (Awareness training via Health Education England in the Midlands and East) 2.5 hours - Human Factors Awareness for Trainee Nursing Associates (via Health Education England) |